Member spotlight
Camri Radcliff
Quote From Camri:
"I would like to thank Mad Dog Fitness for this partnership with health and beauty.
Beauty products and techniques have always been a big part of my life.
For the past two years I have also made health an important part of my daily routine. I have worked very hard to gain helpful knowledge in weigh loss and proper workout techniques.
Two years ago I was depressed and overweight, and now with my continued dedication to be healthy I have lost over 100lbs!! Not only has my body undergone a drastic transformation, my mentality has also been uplifted and I have more confidence and drive now that I have put in the work shedding the pounds!
I would strongly encourage anyone feeling like they need a change to take the first step and join up!!!" -Camri
Please check out her website below!!
JasonandDanielle Alonzo
It's a huge spacious clean gym and the people are friendly. Also, there is a Kickboxing Fit class for the ladies that I teach. I wouldn't teach their if I didn't love the gym. I highly recommend Mad Dog Fitness! Danielle @foxyladykickboxing